Therapy Toronto: Psychotherapy Self-referral Service for Toronto and the GTA

Therapy Toronto Psychotherapy Definitions

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Anxiety is a very common problem of the human condition. There are many different kinds of anxiety.

The feelings can include a sense of apprehensiveness, dread, fear, guilt, distraction, a pervasive sense of danger, and even panic in severe cases. This extremely debilitating experience can have many different causes.

Stress, fatigue, difficulty in making decisions, a general emotional malaise, feelings of depression, and panic are frequent symptoms of core anxiety. Sexual energy drops. There is a tendency either to need others around constantly or to avoid people.

Often people with anxiety grew up without a parent who could help them learn to soothe their everyday anxieties, feel secure, and have a sense of power over themselves and their world.

It is important to remember that it is normal to experience some anxiety at different points in life, as it is often a sensation that comes along with the process of change. Life transitions, unexpected ruptures, trauma and loss can evoke anxiety.

Anxiety is treatable in therapy a number of ways. The most helpful aspect is for the patient to understand how earlier experiences led to this state, and to be able to identify anxiety triggers, develop coping strategies and be able to master unpleasant states of feeling.

Therapist Match:

Stephen van Beek

(the Annex)

Andre Turcotte


Lia Falzon

(midtown Toronto)

Louise Hampson

(the Annex)

Andrea D'Onofrio

(Bloor West Village)

Tara Dubrow

(midtown Toronto)

Susan Leopold


Sara Trought

(the Danforth)

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